The weather was quite foreboding in the morning but it turned out pretty nice down on the Harbor Walk after all. We were there all day rocking out to the great music while sharing our Snakes of New England and the World Exhibit. Most of the people who came for the music eventually stopped by our booth to hang out with our snakes.
Our volunteers came through once again including Marisa Neves, Marion Healey, Genna Healey, Jay Healey, Dylan Piscitella, Kayla Saltonstall, Scott Brown, Victoria Rolf, Keith Bertone, Colleen Anderson and Rick. Rather new to our Team today were some great young folk... Sam Gross, Dakota Geanoulis, Olivia Novak, Mikaylee and Savannah Cuevas, and Anthony Russo. We thank each of our volunteers for their generous gift of time, effort, and kindness toward our visitors. It makes for a really fun way to spend a day.
Photographs by Victoria Rolf or otherwise noted.