Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team

Calling all Critters

We are passionate about showing people vernal ponds and the creatures that rely on them for their survival. These vernal pools host many species of animals - some of which are obligate species. The spotted salamander, Blue-spotted salamander, Jefferson salamander, marbled salamander, wood frog and fairy shrimp are the obligate species in Massachusetts.

On Cape Ann we are the home to just three of these obligate species - spotted salamanders, wood frogs and fairy shrimp. The breeding activity by either the spotted salamander or the wood frog, or the presence of fairy shrimp, is evidence of a vernal pool. 

Our Calling All Critters pages spotlight Cape Ann's three obligate species and a few other amphibians and invertebrates that are found in our vernal ponds. Each page begins with a lovely full sized photo followed by an in-depth description of the animals features, habits, and habitat. The page finishes with a video displaying the activities and sounds these creatures make.

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Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team    *   P.O. Box 39    *    Gloucester, MA  01931

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