Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team

Yard Sale

Yard Sale 2018

image of yard sale itemsCape Ann Vernal Pond Team and Kestrel Education Adventures are teaming up again and holding our notorious Annual Yard Sale in 2018.

When: May 26th from 9 am to 1 pm. (Rain date June 2)
Who: Donors - to donate stuff, Buyers - to buy the stuff, and Volunteers - to help out.
What: Gently used yard sale items that are worth a little something.
Why: So we can make some cashorama for our own good cause.
Where: St. Peter's Square in the heart of downtown Gloucester. At the corners of Roger's and Washington. It's in the parking lot just behind the square and across the street from the Chamber of Commerce.

yard sale poster

This fundraiser supports our nonprofit efforts!

Donations are tax deductible!

Participate by donating, shopping, or helping at the yard sale! 

Bring your friends along to buy lots of stuff!

Save your change now so you can get the good stuff!

Maybe you'll find a hidden treasure! 

We're looking for items that are in good shape that will make us a little money!

Wow! What a great day with beautiful weather and lots of Volunteers and Customers.

We sold lots of cool items at the Yard Sale and we had fun to boot. It's quite a thing to reduce, reuse, and recycle - as the saying goes. The proceeds help with our project of trying to save our little corner of the world. Thanks to everyone for supporting the Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team and Kestrel Eduction. We couldn't do it without you. We had about 30 volunteers and a boatload of donors, along with the customers! Here's a few photographs in case you missed the action.

Photographs by Victoria Rolf

Panorama of our Yard Sale

yard sale 2018 booths

yard sale 2018 booths

yard sale 2018 booths

We had a lot of generous donations for sale.

yard sale items

yard sale items

yard sale items

yard sale items

yard sale items

yard sale items

Great crowd donating to a great cause.

Volunteer Diane

Volunteer Cora

Volunteer Ann

Volunteer Katie

Volunteer Colleen

We had a nice native Snake Display too... under the tent.

Yard Sale 2017

Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team and Kestrel Education Adventures are teaming up again and holding our notorious Annual Yard Sale in 2017.

When: May 27th from 9 am to 1 pm.

An absolutely gorgeous and cool sunny day for our annual Yard Sale. We were out in full force with generously donated items, people shopping, our fabulous volunteers, and our Snake and Vernal Pond Exhibit. It was fun and everyone was happy.  The first hour was especially crazy with activity. We sold a ton of stuff and then people migrated over to the exhibit and relaxed and milled around enjoying our snakes and vernal pond animals.

Thanks to our volunteers for making this event a success. We wish we could thank everyone by name, but its really not possible with all the Vernal Pond Team members, the Kestrels and everyone who donated items or volunteered some time before, during and after the sale.  All I can say is Thank You to everyone for a great fundraising event. This fundraiser helps keep us going throughout the year.

Photographs by Victoria Rolf


Skeletor is one of our best and most devoted volunteers. He's always kind to people and comes to nearly every activity. Plus, that iridescence is stunningly beautiful... as you can see below. He puts on his white lipstick perfectly before leaving home!










Anything is possible when you have a team of wonderful dedicated volunteers who believe in education and empowerment in order to protect vernal ponds and the animals who rely on them for their survival. It's all about the...

Yard Sale... in an earlier time

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