Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team


Feel free to read our published articles. We hope you will be inspired and dive right into some community action. Come on back and read some of our future publications. 

Rockport: Turtles, eels, fish relocated

published by Gloucester Daily Times 
september 11, 2017
written by Abigail Bliss
photographs by Abigail Bliss

snakes, knots and love

published by Gloucester Daily Times 
september 3, 2017
written by Mary Markos
photographs by Desi Smith

Call of the wild

published by Gloucester Daily Times 
august 31, 2017
written by Joann Mackenzie
photographs by Mike Springer

open house at the get outside center

published by Cape Ann Magazine 
winter 2014
written by Desi Smith
photographs by Desi Smith

Two Rick Roths walk into a bar...

published by The Boston Globe Magazine 
april 20, 2014
written by Nicola Cataldo - freelance writer
photograph by Essdram M. Suarez - Globe staff

Snake In the Grass

published by AMC Outdoors - Wild Wisdom 
Appalachian Mountain Club
july/august 2012
written by Madeleine Eno

Snake Charmer

published by Sierra Magazine
january/february 2011
written by Sara Martel
photograph by Evan Richman

Diving into Vernal Pools

published by Cape Ann Magazine 
spring 2011
written by Sara Lenoe
photographs courtesy of the Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team

The Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team: Defending Vernal Ponds and Inspiring Community Action

published by Massachusetts Wildlife Magazine
No. 4, 2008
written by Nick Taormina

Springing to life

published by Gloucester Daily Times 
april 17, 2004
written by Tim Wacker
photographs by Kira Horvath

Vernal Ponds Teeming with Aquatic life

published by Gloucester Daily Times 
may 8, 1999
written by Mike Chmielecki
photographs by Josh Reynolds and Mike Chmielecki

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