Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team

Seekonk Public Library - Snakes of New England and the World Presentation  4-18-2017

Excellent show and crowd for our Snakes of New England and the World Presentation today. We had nearly eighty people in attendance - including babies, toddlers, preschoolers, school children, parents, grandparents, friends of the library, and a few employees. We brought about thirty snakes and Rick really did travel around the world with his snakes. It's exciting to see the snakes that come from New England and the different continents of the world. We saw snake eggs and snake skins too. Did you know they shed their eye coverings too? Everyone was excited and just about everyone tried the snake "touch". Most of the kids held Maxine and Buster and Skeletor. A bunch of the adults couldn't resist either. Some Dad's also got really excited about holding the big snakes. A real treat was a little girl of about five holding Skeletor by herself. She was so incredibly happy. She wouldn't say anything she was so excited and scared by how bold she felt. She was just beside herself with joy and was still holding him after everyone had gone. That alone was worth the trip! Great time had by all.

Rick Roth from the Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team just doing what he does so well in a room full of excited snake 'students'. Today he presented Snakes of New England and the World at Seekonk Public Library. 

All the photographs on this page were taken by Seekonk Public Library friend Sharon Clarke - Staff Librarian and Youth Services

Thanks to Sharon Clarke for arranging our successful visit and thanks to the Friends of Seekonk Public Library for supporting this special activity. We sure appreciate our two volunteers who assisted as snake handlers. Thanks a million Charlie and Theresa! About thirty snakes came along for the's fun to see snakes up close and personal. Only two were on lockdown and it was a blast to observe so many snakes that you rarely get to see.

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